At Christ’s College Finchley we believe that homework provides an opportunity to:
- Develop the life-long learning skills needed in the modern world
- Give pupils the opportunity to learn through a greater variety of media
- Improve the performance of our students in examinations and, therefore enhance their life chances.
Our aim is for each pupil to develop talents and interests to the full while experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum throughout Years 7 to 11. In Years 12 and 13 the curriculum is narrower and academic preparing pupils for further studies and many different careers.
The quality of homework
Work set should be of high quality and all tasks must be relevant to the curriculum being taught. It should be, where possible, a distinct and separate task which should enhance the learning of the lesson and further educate the student. Homework does not always have to be a written assignment – guided reading, individual research into a topic, watching films, listening to compositions, preparation for tests, exams or lessons are also valuable learning activities. Homework tasks should not be finishing off classwork. As a general principle, students should understand clearly the nature of the work which has been set, its purpose and how it will be assessed.
Homework tasks should require students to spend 30-60 minutes actively engaged in learning.
Assessments may be expected to take longer than one hour at KS3.
At Key Stage 4 departments will set up to 2 hours of homework per week.
At Key Stage 5 departments will expect 5 hours minimum of study outside lesson time.
This time allocation will vary at times of coursework/controlled assessment in KS4.
The role of the pupil
- To listen to homework instructions in class.
- To copy down instructions for the task and deadline date into the homework diary.
- To ensure that homework is completed and handed in to meet the deadline.
- To attempt all work and give their best.
- To inform the class teacher of any difficulties.
The role of the Form Tutor
- To include homework in pupil mentoring where appropriate.
- To see that homework is being set and recorded.
The role of the Class Teacher
The class teacher controls the direction of homework and the nature of tasks undertaken.
The teacher will:
- Set appropriate homework for the subject specification, regularity and expected quality.
- Provide the stimulus.
- Give full and comprehensive instructions.
- Set deadlines for completed work and ensure that they are met.
- Mark and return all homework promptly and within school policy.
- Provide help and support to Pupils.
- Inform the HOD and Parents when problems arise.
The role of the Parents
The role of the parent is crucial if a child is to gain success from homework. To reinforce its value through positive feedback will give students the confidence to persevere, work hard and reach high standards of achievement.
Parents can assist by:
• Providing a table, chair and a quiet place to work.
• Negotiating with the student when homework is to be done as a student’s free play is important too.
• Checking the time spent on individual tasks.
• Ensuring that outside clubs do not hamper a child’s quality of work and put a child under undue pressure.
• Checking presentation and content of all homework being returned to school.
• Signing the homework planner each week.
• Providing the school with information about any problems through the student planner or by contacting the school directly.
Monitoring of Homework
The monitoring of homework will be completed by the Head of Department (HOD).
If parents feel that homework is not being set or the quality of work does not enhance learning they should contact the HOD for that subject area.
With your cooperation I feel every child can achieve at our school. Thank you in anticipation of your support.
Year 7 Homework Tasks
Please click on the link to be directed to the homework tasks for your chosen subject.