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CCF Building: No evidence of RAAC

Dear Parents, Carers, Families and Pupils

I hope you are all well and raring to get back to school this week!

I appreciate that there is quite a lot in the media on the subject of RAAC concrete.

Reinforced, autoclaved aerated concrete was used to make pre-formed slabs and put into school roof constructions between 1970-1986 in the main. This does not coincide with the time when our East End Road building was constructed.
We had external health and safety experts sign off on our June 2023 submission to the DfE which states that our building does not contain structural RAAC that poses a risk of collapse.

We have obviously been subject to significant survey and invasive building work over the last year as we have installed a new heating system and cavity wall insulation. As a result the site contractors and engineers know our building extremely well and have not identified any structural RAAC. This included a survey prior to placing the 12 tons of air source heat pump on the roof.

I am aware that some parts of the school are still to benefit from our fast moving refurbishment programme and it is not perfect, however there is no evidence that our buildings contain any RAAC.

We look forward to welcoming Year 7 on Tuesday for the start of their exciting journey and pupils in Years 8 and above from Wednesday on the times in my end of term letter.

Thank you for your support


