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Christ's College Finchley

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Tuesday 13 December 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope you and your children remain safe and well.
We have been able to clear the main large paths into school (pedestrian and vehicles) and utilise some of our stored salt. This should mean that those key routes into the building remain safe as the compacted snow turns into ice tomorrow. Please travel with care and caution and parents should determine whether or not the journey is safe enough for their child to make. We will be understanding where you have concerns on safety grounds.
It is clear that we will have reduced staffing availability tomorrow and so we plan to open from 9:45am on Tuesday and have pupils (Years 7-10 and Sixth Form students) in school until 2:10pm. This will, hopefully, ensure that we have sufficient staff to run lessons, the mocks and ensure that we keep operating parts of the site safely. Playgrounds have not been gritted or cleared and will be out of use.
The situation will evolve throughout the week and we need to prioritise Year 11 students who have been preparing for their mocks. We plan to run Mondays' exams (Maths, Geography and Spanish Listening tomorrow and ask that Year 11 students arrive at 8:45am. Students will have a slightly amended day and will be permitted to study from home when they have completed their papers.
All arrangements are subject to change (dependent on weather, travel conditions and staffing) and we will confirm arrangements for the rest of the week as soon as we are able to.
Thank you for your understanding.