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Christ's College Finchley

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What is Psychology?

Simply put, psychology is the study of people, behaviour and the mind.

It was reclassified as a science subject, and this is reflected in the curriculum.

It is a broad subject, with many different areas and a number of different approaches towards explaining behaviour. Not all psychologists agree with each other!

Psychologists observe human behaviour, create theories to explain the behaviour, and then carry out research to test these theories.

Studying psychology involves actively acquiring knowledge and understanding; thus some of learning experiences will include designing and conducting your own experiments, producing presentations, participating in debates and peer to peer teaching.

Contact details

Please contact the Head of Department for more information. A full teaching staff list can be found under 'About Us' 'Staff and Governance'.

Head of Department: Ms D Bitlice    Email: D.Bitlice@ccfplus.com 


What your child will be learning (curriculum mapping)

To view the Curriculum Overview document please click here.

To view the modules studied each term at KS4, please click here. 

To view the modules studied each term at KS5, please click here.

Aims and enrichment


Students in psychology will be well rounded students who are aware of their society and will be able apply psychology to everyday life. This will allow psychology learners to have an advantage in this ever globalised society.


  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of how psychology works and its essential role in society
  • Develop an ability to think and evaluate independently, and apply theories and research
  • Encourage development of transferable skills such as evaluation, questioning and debating skills


In the past we have run a number of successful trips to London Zoo, the Freud Museum. In 2023 students in year 10, 12 and 13 visited Shrewsbury prison for the first time.

Key stage 4

Exam Board: OCR

Year 10

  • Criminal Psychology: In this unit we discover the different types of crime, problems measuring crime and the media’s influence on criminal behaviour. We also investigate the psychological and biological explanations for criminal behaviour.
  • Development: This unit focuses on the different stages of development and how and why our thinking and behaviour change from birth to our teenage years. The role of learning on development is also examined.
  • Social Influence: In this unit we discover the situational and dispositional factors that affect obedience to authority figures; as well as the explanations of conformity to a majority influence.

Year 11

  • Psychological Problems:This unit focuses on biological and psychological explanations of schizophrenia and depression and how the disorders can be treated.
  • Memory: We discover what is meant by the term memory; whether there are different types of memory and the factors that can affect the accuracy of memory recall and reconstructive memory.
  • Sleep and Dreaming: This unit focuses on the functions, features and benefits of sleep and the stages of the sleep cycle. We also examine the causes of sleep disorders and role of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers on our sleep/wake cycle.
  • Research Methods:Throughout Year 10 and 11, we investigate and analyse core pieces of research in every unit. We practice how psychologists collect and analyse data, and the effects it has on the reliability and validity of the data collected.


OCR Website – Past papers, Examiner Reports, Specimen question papers and Mark schemes.


A useful website filled with psychology articles.


A good website for extra detail on research methods and key studies.


Useful revision website.


Useful for the psychological problems unit covered in Year 11.


Good tutorial videos, check out the following channels in particular:

Tilly Wilks: www.youtube.com/channel/UCrbEeTEIzUgzXjBrb8F3A-w

Key stage 5

Exam Board: AQA

Furthermore, there will be periodic internal exams throughout the course, and you will be entered for the AS exams at the end of Year 1.

Year 12

Approaches in psychology (including Biopsychology): Here we will discover the main ‘themes’ or ideas psychologist have about the mechanisms that govern human behaviour. Within this topic we will also explore the division of the nervous system, the structure and function of neurons; as well as the role of the endocrine system.

Research methods: We practice how psychologists collect data, and the effects it has on the reliability and validity of the data collected.

Attachment: This unit focuses on explanations of why children develop attachments to their parents.

Memory: We discover what is meant by the term memory; the different types of memory and the factors that can affect the accuracy of memory.

Social psychology: This unit focuses on the affect being in a group has on our behaviour.

Psychopathology: This unit focuses on the different psychological explanations for abnormal and normal behaviour and how the different disciplines treat this behaviour.

Year 13

We revisit the above Year 1 topics and additionally study:

Issues and debates: We will investigate key issues and debates that commonly occur in psychological research.

Schizophrenia: We will discover how schizophrenia is classified and diagnosed, plus research the biological and psychological explanations of the disorder.

Cognitive Development: We will investigate the development of the human brain from birth to death.

Forensic Psychology: We will uncover the different elements to criminal behaviour and analyse the effectiveness of punishment and the criminal justice system.

For further information regarding the course, and to view past papers please visit


AQA Website – Past papers, Examiner Reports, Specimen question papers and Mark schemes.


A website full of psychology revision resources. You will need to register.


A good website for extra detail on research methods and key studies.


Useful revision website.


A useful website filled with psychology articles.


Useful for revision and flash cards and for general revision.


A good revision website with blogs, videos and revision notes.


Good tutorial videos, check out the following channels in particular:

Tutor2u: www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tutor2u+psychology

Crash course Psychology: www.youtube.com/results?search_query=crash+course+psychology
