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What can I study?

The curriculum available in our Sixth Form is one that is flexible and allows for the study of both a combination of varying number of subjects.

The number of subjects we expect a student to study will depend on the student’s ability, their choices, and higher education and career intentions.

Students following the A-level course will take either three or four subjects, dependent on average point score from GCSEs.

Advice and guidance

Advice and guidance is offered to all Christ’s College Finchley Year 11 students concerning which courses and subjects will give them the best opportunities to pursue their interests, should they already know what they want to do at university or as a career.

The Head of Sixth form gives a talk to Year 11 students in the autumn term explaining the options available to them post-GCSE and the entry requirements for Christ’s College Finchley Sixth Form.

All Year 11 students are interviewed in the spring term by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, to ensure that they are making the correct decisions regarding their future. Additional interviews are conducted by the Curriculum Support department to ensure all students are aware of the options that are open to them.

Individual interviews are offered to all external applicants and they are offered advice regarding subject and course choice at that time. They can also seek further advice at the Induction Day in June.

Art, Craft and Design (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

You should have a confident knowledge and understanding of the elements of Art – colour, tone, form and their use as well as an understanding of the place of Art, Craft and Design in the world, its history and its purpose.

It is important to have a good foundation in drawing and painting skills for Art and in photographic skills (both technical & aesthetic) for Photography, also a very good grade at GCSE. Above all, you should have an interest in creating and understanding art and the determination and vision to develop that interest. However A Level Art, Craft and Design is a very demanding option and you must be prepared to work very hard at developing your abilities.

What will I study?

The A Level is a 2 year course in Art, Craft and Design exploring a range of ideas, skills and materials, enabling students to develop their own visual explorations and conclusions.

The A Level engages students in greater depth through continuous personal involvement to develop their own ability to appreciate the visual world and respond in a personal and creative way.

Learning in school takes place both under supervision during timetabled lessons and independent study. Visits to galleries, museums and sites of visual interest are organised and encouraged for extra-curricular study.

How will I be assessed?

Year 1
Students will be assessed against assessment objectives in development of ideas, experimentation, recording of information and presentation in internally set projects.

Year 2
Component 1: Personal investigation
Component 2: Externally set assignment (15 hours)

Where does it lead?

Students who wish to undertake further studies in Art, Craft and Design, usually continue these studies at Art college or university. Careers for which an art background is relevant might include advertising, architecture, museums, theatre or gallery work etc.

Biology (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

Biology is the study of living things, how they function and inter-relate. It is a very strong academic subject, and A Level Biology forms the foundations for arguably the most diverse areas of study in modern Science. A full list of these is not possible here, but would include:

  • The Medical Sciences such as Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Surgery
    and Physiotherapy.
  • Those Biological Sciences which can be applied in industry (particularly food and drug development) such as Microbiology, Biotechnology and Pharmacy Pharmacy.
  • Those related to Ecology and Earth Sciences; and
  • Biological Studies such as Botany and Zoology.

What will I study?

The course at CCF follows the new AQA Biology Specification (7401/7402), in which there are 8 units:

Year 1
In this first year of the course, students will study:

  • Biological molecules
  • Cells
  • Organisms exchange substances with their environment
  • Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
  • Energy transfers in and between organisms 

Year 2

  • Energy transfers in and between organisms 
  • Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments 
  • Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems 
  • The control of gene expression 

NB: students have a set of 12 required practicals over the 2 years and that has to be endorsed by their teacher and will be examined in the written examinations.

How will I be assessed?

3 papers of 2 hours each.

Paper 1

(35% of A Level)

Covers units 1-4

Paper 2

(35% of A Level)

Covers units 5-8

Paper 3

(30% of A Level)

Covers units 1-8

Where does it lead?

We recommend that you search under ‘Biological Sciences’ to discover the huge number of courses available at degree level, from Genetics to Biological Engineering to Sports Science.

Biology is a rigorous subject and consequently successful candidates find that it is a very attractive A Level to offer for university entrance. After degree, it can lead to an academic career, PhD, industry, vocational careers (e.g. Medicine) or non-Science related professions, seeking people who have shown that they can qualify in a rigorous subject.

Business Studies (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

This course is suitable for students who have an interest in exploring real businesses in order to gain an insight into key issues that influence a business’s decision-making. Issues such as: how technology is changing the way decisions are made and how businesses operate and compete, as well as the influences of Corporate Social Responsibility, ethical and environmental issues on strategic decisions.

What will I study?

Students will develop thorough knowledge of the key functional areas of Businesses such as Finance, Human Resources, Marketing and Operations and learn the internal and external influences on each of these functional areas. All units will require students to study real businesses in a variety of contexts (e.g. large/small, UK focused/global, service/manufacturing) and consider the competitive environment and the markets in which businesses operate. 

There are ten mandatory units which are detailed below:
1. What is business?
2. Managers, leadership and decision making
3. Decision making to improve marketing performance
4. Decision making to improve operational performance
5. Decision making to improve financial performance
6. Decision making to improve human resource performance
7. Analysing the strategic position of a business
8. Choosing strategic direction
9. Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies
10. Managing strategic change

How will I be assessed?

A Level Business examinations include questions that allow students to demonstrate their ability to draw together their knowledge, skills and understanding from across the full course of study:
Paper 1: 33.3% of the qualification - 2 hours
Paper 2: 33.3% of the qualification - 2 hours
Paper 3: 33.3% of the qualification - 2 hours

Where does it lead?

By successfully completing this course Students could move on to study for a degree. Students could also go on to do an Apprenticeship in related subjects such as Accounting or Management, or on to relevant employment. Whichever path students choose after completing the course, they will have developed key skills which will help both in further education and employment.

Chemistry (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

Chemistry is a strong academic subject and is accepted by all universities. It is a requirement for studying Chemistry, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and any subject related to Medical Science.

What will I study?

We use the AQA exam board.

In the first year of the course students study three units:

  • Physical Chemistry 1
  • Inorganic Chemistry 1
  • Organic Chemistry 1

In the second year students study the following units:

  • Physical Chemistry 2
  • Inorganic Chemistry 2
  • Organic Chemistry 2

NB: students have a set of 12 required practicals over the 2 years and that has to be endorsed by their teacher and WILL be examined in the written examinations.

How will I be assessed?

3 papers of 2 hours each.

Paper 1

(35% of A level)

Physical and Inorganic Chemistry + relevant required practicals

Paper 2

(35% of A level)

Physical and Organic Chemistry + relevant required practicals       

Paper 3

(30% of A level)

Contains questions covering the entire A Level

Where does it lead?

It is a very useful subject for those wishing to take degrees in a wide range of subject areas such as Law, Architecture, Geography, Engineering and Biochemistry. The course is compulsory for any person wanting to study Medicine or Pharmacy at university. It combines well with many subject areas in addition to its traditional links with the other Science disciplines.

Computer Science (A Level)

Exam Board - OCR

Who is it for?

Computer Science uses the year in science prep create and build usable applications, such as video games, apps and computer problems. Computer Science will focus more on the theoretical and mathematical aspects of computing. Topics is include software development and design, algorithm analysis, computational theory, object oriented and systems programming, data structures and computer architecture.

If you enjoy Maths and particularly like solving logical problems, then Computer Science may offer you some interesting opportunities.

What will I study?

Component 01: Computing Principles
This component will be a traditionally marked and structured question paper with a mix of question types: short-answer, longer-answer, and levels of response mark scheme-type questions.

It will cover the characteristics of contemporary systems architecture and other areas including the following:
• The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
• Software and software development
• Programming
• Exchanging data
• Data types, data structures and algorithms
• Legal, moral, ethical and cultural issues.

Component 02: Algorithms And Problem Solving
This component will be a traditionally marked and structured question paper and will include a mix of question types: short-answer, longer-answer, and levels of response mark-scheme-type questions. There’ll be a short scenario/task contained in the paper, which could be an algorithm or a text page-based task, which will involve problem solving. Other areas covered include the following:
• Elements of computational thinking
• Problem solving and programming
• Algorithms.

Component 03: Programming Project
The learner will choose a computing problem to work through according to the guidance in the specification.
• Analysis of the problem
• Design of the solution
• Developing the solution
• Evaluation.

How will I be assessed?

Component 01: Computing Principles
Externally marked question paper 40%: 140 marks

Component 02: Algorithms and Problem Solving
Externally marked question paper 40%: 140 marks

Component 03: Programming Project
Non-exam assessment externally assessed 20%: 70 marks

Where does it lead?

When combined with a range of other subjects, studying Computer Science at A Level can lead to employment or higher education courses. There are a range of career choices available to students: Computer programmer, Hardware engineer, Software developer, Web developer, Security analyst, Database administrator as well as other Computer Science related careers.

DT: Product Design (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

Product Design builds on GCSE Design and Technology by developing skills, knowledge and understanding to a greater depth and extending these skills by being able to apply this to real life situations. Product Design is a hands -on subject where students are able to express themselves creatively by experimenting and taking risks designing, making, testing and evaluating.

What will I study?

The units are designed to offer students opportunities to study, propose and realise prototype solutions closely linked to the real world of product manufacture in a range of material areas.

Product Design focuses on consumer products and applications and their
analysis in respect of:

  • Materials, components, process and their selection and uses in products and/or systems
  • The selection and use of the above in industrial commercially viable products and practices.

The content covers the following topic areas:

  • Identifying requirements
  • Learning from existing products and practice
  • Implications of wider issues
  • Design thinking and communication
  • Material and component considerations
  • Technical understanding
  • Manufacturing processes and techniques
  • Viability of design solution
  • Learning 3D computer aided design and simulating software
  • Use of Rapid prototyping; 3D printer and laser cutter.
  • Robotics - building robots and writing code to test them out
  • Health and safety.

How will I be assessed?

Two written examination papers (total of 50%). The first exam being 'Technical principles' such as materials and their properties, forming processes, finishes and material enhancement, scales of production, digital design and design for manufacture, responsible product development, enterprise and intellectual property and design communication. The second exam being 'Design and make principles' such as design processes and theory, design history, technological change, critical analysis, accuracy in design, design for manufacture and project management. 

The remaining 50% comprises of a coursework. This is known as the Non-Examination Assessment 'NEA' which is a substantial design and make task with a portfolio of design work and prototype outcomes. The students are given an open design brief so can base their project on anything they like or have a particular skill set in.

Where does it lead?

Product Design, when combined with other related A Level subjects can lead to a wide range of employment opportunities or higher education courses. Popular career choices for students include Architecture, Project management, Marketing, Tech 'start ups' and Manufacturing. All types of design such as; interior, exhibition/events, fashion, graphics, mechanical, sport etc and all Engineering disciplines such as; automotive, aeronautical, aerospace, civil, electrical and automation etc.

Economics (A Level)

Exam Board - Edexcel

Who is it for?

Economics is a subject for people who have a genuine interest in contemporary issues and who wish to understand the various forces that decide living standards. It is a Social Science that requires students to combine a wide range of skills to analyse and interpret real economic events.

Students in this Pearson- Edexcel specification A course are expected to use an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of economics and develop an ability to think as an economist. They are also expected to examine economic behaviour from a range of perspectives and develop analytical and quantitative skills to make judgements about economic policies and issues.

What will I study?

In the classroom, students are taught the principles, theories and concepts which build a framework of understanding to allow an informed analysis and evaluation of the economic events and issues which affect all our lives.

Students are also expected to work on their own using a wide range of sources of information to develop their knowledge and understanding. Economics is a technique of thinking that you will be expected to apply to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.

There are four themes in this two year A Level course. The first two themes are externally tested in the first year (Year 12) to comprise an Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Economics.

Theme 1: Introduction to markets and market failure - 1 hour 30 minutes
Theme 2: The UK Economy - performance and policies - 1 hour 30 minutes

In the second year (Year 13), the following two themes are studied:
Theme 3: Business behaviour and the labour market
Theme 4: A global perspective

How will I be assessed?

The A Level qualification is externally tested in the second year with three two hour exams.

Paper 1: Markets and business behaviour 35% of the qualification - 2 hours
Paper 2: The national and global economy 35% of the qualification - 2 hours
Paper 3: Microeconomics and macroeconomics 30% of the qualification - 2 hours

The four themes over the two years are examined using a combination of data
response, structured essay and multiple choice questions.

Where does it lead?

It is not only a popular subject at university in itself, but is also a good preparation for courses and careers in Business, Finance, Industry, Management, Public Administration, Law, Accountancy, Environmental Studies and other related disciplines.

It requires no previous knowledge and can be combined with any other choice of A Levels, although it should be recognised that successful students will need to have high literacy and numeracy skills together with the ability to express logical arguments which lead to reasoned conclusions.

English Literature (A Level)

Exam Board - OCR 

Who is it for?

This course suits a wide range of A Level subject combinations and would be a natural choice if you enjoyed English at GCSE and like to analyse texts in detail and discuss and share ideas with others.

What will I study?

You will read a very wide range of texts; drama, prose and poetry from five centuries of English Literature.

1. Drama and Prose Pre-1900:
Shakespeare: The Tempest / Hamlet
Christina Rossetti’s poetry collection
The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster

2. Gothic Literature Comparative and contextual study:

3. Coursework:
The Room
History Boys
The Death of Naturalist (Seamus Heaney)
The Bloody Chambers

Referencing secondary texts:
The Castle of Otranto’ by Horace Walpole
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
History of the Caliph Vathek by William Beckford
The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe
The Monk by Matthew Lewis
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Maturin

How will I be assessed?

Component 01:
Shakespeare and Drama and Poetry Pre-1900 – One chosen drama from a
prescribed list. Examination worth 40%. Paper length 2 hours 30 minutes.
[60 marks].

Component 02:
Close reading in chosen topic area and comparative and contextual study from
chosen topic area. Examination worth 40%. Paper length 2 hours 30 minutes.
[60 marks].

Component 03:
Close reading or re-creative writing piece with commentary and comparative
essay (Literature post-1900). Non Examined Assessment.
[40 marks].

Where does it lead?

It can lead to a degree in English Literature or be a useful accompaniment to other Arts, Social Science or Science subjects. It is valued by universities for all subjects but is especially useful for Law, Philosophy and Psychology. It provokes critical and analytical thinking skills and enhance communications skills. Most importantly, it promotes enjoyment in and understanding of a wide range of literary texts as well as enhancing your ability to express your ideas in speech and writing cogently.

Further Mathematics (A Level)

Exam Board - Edexcel

Who is it for?

This course is for students who have achieved a very good grade 7 or above in GCSE Mathematics. It must be studied in conjunction with A Level Mathematics in Year 12.

Further Mathematics must be chosen as your fourth A Level in order to ensure a breath of subjects are studied.

What will I study?

The course offered is the EDEXCEL Linear A Level. Further Mathematics builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding set out in A Level Mathematics. Assessments will be designed to reward students for demonstrating the ability to provide responses that draw together different areas of their knowledge, skills and understanding from across the full course of study. Problem solving, proof and mathematical modelling will be assessed in Further Mathematics in the context of the wider knowledge which students taking A Level Further Mathematics will have studied.

There are 3 overarching themes which are inherent across all 4 papers:
Theme 1 - Mathematical argument, language and proof
Theme 2 - Mathematical problem solving
Theme 3 - Mathematical modelling 

How will I be assessed?

Year 12
Students will study the Maths A Level syllabus in one year, using both Maths and Further Maths lessons. Please see Maths page for information on assessment.

Year 13
Students will study the Further Maths A Level syllabus, using both Maths and Further Maths lessons. Further Maths will be assessed as follows:

Paper 1 - Core Pure Mathematics (1) (75 marks – 1.5 hours)
Paper 2 - Core Pure Mathematics (2) (75 marks – 1.5 hours)
Paper 3 - Further Statistics (75 marks – 1.5 hours)
Paper 4 - Further Mechanics (75 marks – 1.5 hours).

Where does it lead?

Students interested in studying Maths, Computer Science, Engineering and Physics based subjects will all benefit from studying Further Maths. Careers could include Banking and Finance, Accountancy, Data Science and Investment Analysis.

Government and Politics (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

A Level Politics is a diverse and challenging subject. No prior knowledge is required but a student will need to have a lively and enquiring mind, an interest in current affairs and a desire to be challenged by new ideas and an ability to write coherently. Students must want to know how their country’s political system works, how and whether it needs to be changed and how they might want to participate in it. The ideas that form part of political ideologies must also be of interest. The course covers areas of Law, Economics, History and Philosophy. The only formal requirement is that a grade 6 or above in a written subject be achieved at GCSE.

What will I study?

Politics addresses some of the fundamental issues of the day. As an everchanging
area of study what is examined changes frequently. Up to date topics and political issues are always relevant, but students will study the operation of the following:

1. How the UK system operates
2. US Politics
3. Political Ideology
A study tour to New York or Washington DC is a possibility as part of the US unit.

How will I be assessed?

Politics is linear A Level and a 2 year course examined at the end of Year 13.

UNIT 1 – UK Politics: a 2 hour exam worth 33% of the qualification.

Parliament, Prime Minister, the Constitution, democracy, political parties, electoral systems, voting behaviour and the media will all be studied.

UNIT 2 – US & Comparative Government: a 2 hour exam worth 33% of the

The US political system will be studied and compared to the UK system.

The US Constitution, federalism, Congress, the Presidency, Supreme Court.
Elections and civil rights will all be studied in depth and detail.

UNIT 3 – Political Ideology: a 2 hour exam worth 33% of the qualification.

The ideas behind socialism, conservatism and liberalism have to be studied.
One other ideology has to be studied too – Either nationalism, feminism or
environmentalism will be also looked at in detail.

Where does it lead?

The study of Politics will enhance students’ written communication, their ability to question material before them, their debating and organising skills and their ability to listen to others and tolerate rival opinions. These are skills employers and universities alike seek in their applicants. In most years over 70% of Politics students at CCF go on to a Politics related degree at university. Careers in Law, Media, Lobbying, Business, Journalism and Management are all likely destinations after studying Politics.

History (A Level)

Exam Board - OCR

Who is it for?

History will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a fascinating and engaging subject that will enable you to understand the world you live in. History should be studied by those interested in understanding the present and the past, and by those wanting to develop skills for the future.

What will I study?

Students will study two historical periods and develop two key skills, the use of evidence and the ability to analyse historical events.

Students will then study a historical period in detail identifying change and continuity over an extended period of time.

In their second year students will be expected to undertake an independent historical investigation.

Unit 1: British Depth Study: Britain 1930-1997 (Winston Churchill Investigation)
Unit 2: American Revolution 1740-1796
Unit 3: Civil Rights in the USA 1865-1992
Unit 4: Historical Investigation, one 4000 word coursework essay analysing a historical issue of student’s choice.

4000 word essay (coursework) – an independently researched essay from a choice of teacher set historical enquiries from across different historical periods of study.

Students will be taught by a number of teachers using a variety of different methods including group work, research tasks, lectures and debate. For each topic students will be provided with at least one textbook, a folder of detailed notes, practise papers, model answers and access to the History Department’s A Level website which holds all lessons taught, podcasts and videos.

How will I be assessed?

Students will be assessed with 3 exams at the end of Year 13 and a Topic based essay.

Paper 1
British Period and Study enquiry
90 mins (25%)

Paper 2
Non British Period Study
60 mins (15%)

Paper 3
Thematic Study and Historical Interpretations
150 mins (40%)


Topic based essay
(3000-4000 words)

Where does it lead?

History is a unique academic subject that can lead to careers in areas such as Law, Media, Finance and the Social Sciences. It is a well-respected qualification as it develops crucial skills of analysis, communication and critical thinking, all prized by employers. The study of History is enhanced when combined with subjects such as English, Politics, Art, Business and the Sciences.

Mathematics (A Level)

Exam Board - Edexcel

Who is it for?

This course is for students who have achieved a high grade 6 or better in GCSE Mathematics.  It is a subject, which merits study for its own intellectual demands and as such can be taken with any other subjects. It is a particularly appropriate subject to take in conjunction with Sciences, Geography and Economics.

What will I study?

The two Pure Maths papers contain the following content:

Topic 1 – Proof
Topic 2 – Algebra and functions
Topic 3 – Coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane
Topic 4 – Sequences and series
Topic 5 – Trigonometry
Topic 6 – Exponentials and logarithms
Topic 7 – Differentiation
Topic 8 – Integration
Topic 9 – Numerical methods
Topic 10 – Vectors

How will I be assessed?

Paper 1
Pure Mathematics 1
(100 marks – 2 hours)

Paper 2
Pure Mathematics 2
(100 marks – 2 hours)

Paper 3
Statistics and Mechanics
(100 marks – 2 hours)

Where does it lead?

It leads to higher education courses in single subjects such as Mathematics, Sciences and to combined courses such as Maths and Finance, Maths and Business Studies or Maths and Computing. Maths students also commonly study Engineering based courses. It is an A Level which has been shown to increase significantly a person’s earning power.


Exam Board - Edexcel

Who is it for?

This qualification will support students in forming personal and meaningful relationships with music through the development of musical knowledge, understanding and skills, including performing, composing and appraising. Students will be encouraged to engage critically and creatively with a wide range of music and musical contexts, develop an understanding of the place of music in different cultures and contexts, and reflect on how music is used in the expression of personal and collective identities.

This qualification will also allow students to develop particular strengths and interests, encourage lifelong learning and provide access to higher education and university degree courses in music and music-related subjects, as well as music-related and other careers.

What will I study?

Candidates will be expected to:

  • Interpret musical ideas through performing, with technical and expressive control and an understanding of style and context. You will be given opportunities to develop your performing skills as a soloist and in ensemble, in the classroom and in public concerts.
  • Create and develop musical ideas with technical and expressive control and coherence.
  • You will study traditional harmony and develop your own compositions to a wide variety of briefs.
  • Demonstrate and apply musical knowledge and comment perceptively on the structural, expressive and contextual features of music. You will study a wide range of set works covering instrumental and vocal music, traditional and modern.
  • Use analytical and appraising skills to make evaluative and critical judgements about a very wide range of music. You will evaluate music from the Renaissance to Hip-Hop, from avant-garde classical to Jazz & amp; Blues.

How will I be assessed?

Component 1: Performing

Coursework assessment: externally assessed 30% of A Level

Component 2: Composing

Coursework assessment: externally assessed 30% of A Level

Component 3: Appraising

Written examination: externally assessed 40% of A Level

Where does it lead?

The varied nature of Music A level enables students to develop highly-desirable skills in areas such as self-management, teamwork, problem-solving, and communication; all of which prepares them for further study in higher education and/or makes them an attractive prospective for potential employers.

A successful musician demonstrates confidence and style in performance, will be imaginative and creative in composition and highly academic and evaluative when appraising music.

A Level Music students will study at the Barnet Education Arts Trust (BEAT) A Level Music Consortium. Lessons are from 3.45 – 5.45pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Ark Pioneer Academy.

Religious Studies (A Level)

Exam Board - OCR

Who is it for?

This A Level is an ideal course to study for those interested in pursuing high level thinking and developing their analytical skills. It requires individuals who are prepared to ‘think outside the box’; to challenge views and have their own views challenged.

It is an Arts and Humanities A Level, but due to the examination of rationalism and empiricism, it is highly useful for those pursuing careers related to the Sciences, for example Medicine, Biological Research or Physics. Due to the nature of study, a basic understanding of Mathematics and Science is necessary as throughout the units, references to logic, Physics and Quantum Physics will be made.

What will I study?

Component 01: Philosophy of Religion
• Ancient philosophical influences
• The nature of the soul, mind and body
• Arguments about the existence or non-existence of God
• The nature and impact of religious experience
• the challenge for religious belief of the problem of evil
• Ideas about the nature of God
• Issues in religious language.

Component 02: Religion and ethics
• Normative ethical theories
• The application of ethical theory to two contemporary issues of importance
• Ethical language and thought
• Debates surrounding the significant idea of conscience
• Sexual ethics and the influence on ethical thought of developments in religious beliefs.

Component 03: Developments in religious thought
• Religious beliefs, values and teachings; their interconnections and how they vary historically and in the contemporary world
• Sources of religious wisdom and authority

How will I be assessed?

Students will be assessed at the end of Year 13 and will sit the following papers:

Paper 1
Philosophy of Religion
(120 marks) - 2 hours

Paper 2
Religion and Ethics
(120 marks) - 2 hours

Paper 3
Developments in
Religious thought
(120 marks) - 2 hours

Where does it lead?

The abilities which will be nurtured throughout the term of study are excellent preparation for university study and beyond. The analytical nature of the units develop high level thinking which is vital for careers in Management, Academic Research or Law, whilst the content and rigorous academic nature of the A Level is good preparation for any BMAT examinations for university.

Psychology (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

Psychology is the scientific study of human experiences and the underlying processes that shape our behaviour and interactions. Psychologists try to explain, predict and control behaviour in order to try and understand and solve both individual and social problems.

This course is suitable for students who are interested in people and wish to develop their understanding of human nature. The course covers a breadth knowledge and develops critical thinking skills. It forms a useful link between Science and the Arts.

What will I study?

Attachment: This unit focuses on explanations of why children develop attachments
to their parents.

Memory: We discover what is meant by the term memory; the different types of
memory and the factors that can affect the accuracy of memory.

Social Psychology: This unit focuses on the affect being in a group has on our

Psychopathology: This unit focuses on the different psychological explanations
for abnormal and normal behaviour and how the different disciplines treat this

Approaches in Psychology: In this unit we discuss the main ‘themes’ or ideas
psychologists have about the mechanisms that govern human behaviour; as well as
delving into the origins of Psychology: Wundt, introspection and the emergence of
Psychology as a Science.

Biopsychology: This unit explores the division of the human nervous system, the
structure and function of neurons and different parts of the brain. In addition, the
unit focuses on ways of investigating the brain, localisation of brain function and
biological rhythms of human behaviour.

Research methods: We practice how psychologists collect data, and the effects it has
on the reliability and validity of the data collected.

Issues and debates: We will investigate key issues and debates that commonly occur
in psychological research.

Forensics: We will discover the interaction of the practice or study of psychology and the law.

Schizophrenia: We will discover how schizophrenia is classified and diagnosed, plus
research the biological and psychological explanations of the disorder.

Cognition and Development: This unit focuses on the effect of age and our cognitive abilities looking at the changes over time.

How will I be assessed?

All papers include multiple choice, short answer and extended writing style questions.

Paper 1
Introductory topics in Psychology
(96 marks) 120 mins

Paper 2
Psychology in context
(96 marks) 120 mins

Paper 3
Issues and options in Psychology
(96 marks) 120 mins

Where does it lead?

Psychology can lead to a variety of careers, including Research, Psychotherapy, Personnel Management, Clinical Psychologist, Teaching, or Sports and Occupational Psychologist.

Physics (A Level)

Exam Board - Edexcel

Who is it for?

Physicists go anywhere, do anything. Financial institutions are increasingly employing Physicists because of their analytical and problem solving skills.

What will I study?

Year 1:
Core Physics 1

  • Mechanics
  • Electric Circuits

Core Physics 2

  • Materials
  • Waves and the Particle Nature of Light

Year 2:

Advanced Physics 1

  • Mechanics
  • Electric Circuits
  • Further Mechanics
  • Electric and Magnetic Fields
  • Nuclear and Particle Physics

Advanced Physics 2

  • Materials
  • Waves and the Particle Nature of Light
  • Thermodynamics
  • Space
  • Nuclear Radiation
  • Gravitational Fields
  • Oscillations

Students will learn about up-quarks and down-quarks, black holes and supernovae, but also everyday things like why aeroplanes fly and why digital electronics is proving so much more useful than analogue techniques.

NB: Students have a set of 16 required practicals over the 2 years that will be examined in the written examinations and completion of which must be endorsed by the subject teacher.

How will I be assessed?

Three theory exams including questions on required practicals.

Paper 1
Advanced Physics I
(90 marks)
105 minutes - 30%

Paper 2
Advanced Physics II
(90 marks)
105 minutes - 30%

Paper 3
General and Practical
Principles in Physics
(120 marks)
150 minutes - 40%

Where does it lead?

Most A Level Physicists go on to study Engineering, Computer Science, or Medicine but as our lists in the Department show some have become Lawyers, Architects, Politics students, Economists and even Physicists.

Whilst most students will complete the two year A Level course, some students may be entered for the AS Exam. These students will be required to pass this qualification at a minimum of grade E to move forward to the second year of the linear A Level course.

Physical Education (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

A Level Physical Education is a multi-disciplinary course that enables you to develop skills and knowledge in a wide variety of sports and subject areas. It includes: Building up your planning and practical skills to improve your performance in a range of activities; exploring how Sociology and Psychology relate to sport; studying human biology and exercise physiology to understand the link between practical performance and the theory of human movement.

Students should have practical sporting ability; be able to observe and analyse sports performance; enjoy and be good at problem solving and planning your own learning; be able to write accurately and effectively, using technical language; be able to produce and interpret visual material, including graphs and diagrams and be reasonably confident and fluent in spoken communication.

The following subjects combine well with Physical Education: Psychology, Biology and Business Studies. If you wish to train as a Physiotherapist, you should study A Level Biology as well as PE.

What will I study?

Anatomy and Physiology
Exercise Physiology
Sports Psychology
Skill Acquisition
Contemporary Issues
Sport in Society
Technology in Sport

The syllabus offers a range of Sports that can be assessed, for the full list please
access the specification at www.aqa.or.uk

How will I be assessed?

Paper 1:
Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport
Written paper, 2 hours; 105 marks – 35% of A Level
Section A: Applied Anatomy and Physiology
Section B: Skill Acquisition
Section C: Sport and Society

Paper 2:
Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
Written paper, 2 hours; 105 marks – 35% of A Level
Section A: Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics
Section B: Sports Psychology
Section C: Sport and Society and Technology in Sport

Practical performance in one sport (Fully competitive scenario):
45 marks - 15%
Written report - Analyse, evaluate and correct a performance in chosen sport:
45 marks - 15%

Where does it lead?

A Level Physical Education is becoming an essential qualification for over 1500 Higher Education degree courses including: Sports Science, Sport Studies, Sport Coaching Science, Sports Management, Physical Education and Sports Therapy. A Level Physical Education is a suitable qualification for careers in teaching or coaching, the leisure industry, recreational management, and the health and fitness industry. You could also work in professional sport or the armed forces.

Sociology (A Level)

Exam Board - AQA

Who is it for?

Sociology is the study of society in which we live. It examines how we are influenced and shaped through being members of groups and organisations. It concentrates on the way we make society what it is and the way society makes us what we are. It explores how the past and present have an effect on the way society and human interaction has evolved, and the difference between cultures across the globe.

This course is suitable for students who are interested in how society has been shaped by human interaction and behaviour, and how it will continue to do so in the future. The course will include a variety of topics, as well as develop critical thinking and research skills. It forms a useful link with the Humanities, particularly Geography and History.

What will I study?

Year 1

You will study sociological theories, perspectives and methods, as well as the design of research used to obtain the data, including strengths and limitations. The core themes are socialisation, culture and identity, social differentiation, and the organisation of power in society. This will be focused on the topics of Education, and Families and Households to examine the way in which these have developed over time and the way in which they have shaped the differences in society. It will include conducting your own research projects

Year 2

You will focus on a selection of new areas such as Crime and Deviance, Beliefs in Society, and how they affect society and human interaction. The central focus of study in this specification will be on UK society today, with consideration given to comparative dimensions where relevant, including the siting of UK society within its globalised context. You will continue to study Education and Families and Households.

How will I be assessed?

Paper 1 - Education with Theory and Methods

Education: short answer and extended writing 50 marks.

Methods in Context: extended writing 20 marks.

Theory and Methods: extended writing 10 marks.

2 hour written exam – 33.3% of total marks.

Paper 2 - Topics in Sociology

Beliefs in Society – extended writing 40 marks.

Families and Households - extended writing 40 marks.

2 hour written exam – 33.3% of total

Paper 3 - Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods

Crime and Deviance - short answer and extended writing 50 marks.

Theory and Methods: extended writing

30 marks. 2 hour written exam – 33.3% of total marks.  

Where does it lead?

Students who take Sociology end up in a variety of careers, particularly because of the transferable and desirable nature of the skills that are developed. This can include research, marketing, social services, education, criminal justice, welfare services, government, counselling, charities and the voluntary sector.
