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Christ's College Finchley

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Welcome to the Sociology Department.

Sociology is the study of society in which we live. It examines how we are influenced and shaped through being members of groups and organisations. It concentrates on the way we make society what it is and the way society makes us what we are. It explores how the past and present have an effect on the way society and human interaction has evolved, and the difference between cultures across the globe.

This course is suitable for students who are interested in how society has been shaped by human interaction and behaviour, and how it will continue to do so in the future. The course will include a variety of topics including Families and Households, Education, Beliefs in Society and Crime and Deviance, as well as developing critical thinking and research skills. It forms a useful link with the Humanities, particularly Geography, History, and Politics. Any enquiring mind, the ability to hold your own in a debate and a passion for the world you live in are perfect characteristics of a future Sociologist.

Contact details

Please contact the Head of Department for more information. A full teaching staff list can be found under 'About Us' 'Staff and Governance'.

Head of Department:  Mrs D Varsani    Email: dxm@ccfplus.com


What your child will be learning (curriculum mapping)

To view the modules studied each term, please click here.


Aims and enrichment


The understanding of our society and why it is as it is, is a fascinating and complex one.

Throughout the course, students will learn various different and conflicting theories on the subjects that they study, as well as make up their own minds about concepts and constructs that are central to their own lives.

There are trips to sociological lectures at various London universities to enrich learning, and there are plans to invite guest speakers into the school, as well as visits to different institutions that benefit the course.

Students who take Sociology end up in a variety of careers. This is because of the transferable and desirable nature of the skills that are developed, such as analysis (both literary and data), independent research, the ability to form reasoned conclusions about different issues, through both essay writing and debate, among many others. These careers can include research, teaching, marketing, social services, education, criminal justice, welfare services, government, counselling, charities and the voluntary sector.


We are continuously making links with other schools and universities, and we shall keep you updated of our progress.

Key stage 5

Exam Board: AQA

Year one:

During the course you will study sociological theories, perspectives and methods, as well as the design of research used to obtain the data, including strengths and limitations.

The core themes are socialisation, culture and identity, social differentiation, and the organisation of power in society. Students will explore conflict and consensus, social structure and social action, and the role of values. Students will understand the significance of conflict and consensus, social structure and social action, and the role of values. This will be focused on the topics of Education, and Families and Households. It will include conducting your own research projects.

Year two:

You will focus on a selection of new areas such as Crime and Deviance, Beliefs in Society, and how they affect different groups of people in society.

You will build upon your critical thinking, research skills and knowledge that you learned in year one. The central focus of study in this specification will be on UK society today, with consideration given to comparative dimensions where relevant, including the siting of UK society within its globalised context. You will continue to study Education, Families and Households and develop an understanding of Theory and Methods.

Course requirements:

English Literature or Language – 5, other written subject – 5 (exam board AQA)
