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Christ's College Finchley

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Special Educational Needs

Christ’s College Finchley operates an open enrolment policy.

The school has a lift which allows access to all floors of the building, but wheelchair and disabled access is limited due to the design of the building.

The Curriculum Support Department takes overall responsibility for pupils with any kind of disability or learning difficulty.  Individual pupils’ needs are assessed and provision is made to enable them to take a full and active part in the curriculum.  The school has close links with outside agencies, and parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s educational development.  Where appropriate students are supported by the Curriculum Support Department.

Special arrangements for SEN pupils are made during examinations, including extra time, use of a computer or reader and enlarged papers.

Contact details

Please contact the SENCo for more information. 

Assistant Headteacher/SENCo: Ms S Pullan        

SENCo: Ms D Mepani                  

Ms Mepani and Ms Pullan are supported by two interim Deputy SENCos; Ms S Rigby and Ms K Franklin.

Admissions process for pupils with an Education Healthcare Plan

Christ’s College Finchley is an independent state academy.

We are part of the Barnet-wide agreement on Secondary Admissions.

Parents of pupils with an Education Healthcare Plan will be contacted separately by the LA and asked to express their preferences for schools.  The school identified by the parent considers the special educational needs of the pupils and if their needs can be effectively met by the school a place will be reserved at the preferred school and named on the child’s Education Healthcare Plan.  When making decisions the LA must ensure provision that is compatible with the efficient education of the other children with whom the students with special educational needs would be educated.  However, all reasonable steps that the school and the LA could take to prevent incompatibility will be considered before a decision is taken not to name a preferred school on an Educational Healthcare Plan.

Barnet Parent/Carer Drop-In Sessions – SEND

The Specialist Inclusion Services and Educational Psychology Team are facilitating ‘Parent/Carer Drop-In’ sessions along with the Social, Emotional and Mental Health Advisory Teacher (SEMH)and NHS SALT teams.

These sessions are free sessions, although they must be booked in advance (based on a ‘first come – first allocated’ approach).  They are available for parents/carers of Barnet children and young people (0-25), to share any concerns or issues on a 1:1 basis with a relevant professional. It is a stand-alone session, so this means that there is no follow-up.  The aim of this session is to provide Barnet parents/carers with an opportunity to discuss concerns, and collectively think through how to move forward with the situation.

To book a place or for more information, please follow the link below;

Barnet Local Offer

Barnet London Borough Council are committed to helping children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families find the information and support they are looking for.
