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Christ's College Finchley

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Student Information

Please visit out student handbook for a range of information:

Student Handbook

Dress Code 

Behaviour Policy


The importance of regular attendance

The Sixth form course you are enrolled on is vital for your future and full attendance is essential if you are to succeed.  Attendance at all lessons, registrations, tutorials and assemblies is compulsory. 95% attendance at school over a term or year is our minimum expectation.  If you fall below that, without there being a genuine health issue, parents will be contacted and your attendance will be carefully monitored; below 90% and entry for examinations may be refused.

Frequently asked questions regarding attendance

How are sixth formers registered?

All students are registered by computer at the start of every lesson.  Students must register in school at 8.40am every morning. It is the student’s responsibility as a member of the Sixth form to register their attendance. If you arrive late to school you must sign the Sixth form late register, in the Sixth form office.

Are Sixth formers allowed off-site during the day?

Yes – as long as you adhere to the off site code of conduct. Occasionally, a student may be refused permission to leave the site if their attendance or conduct gives concern.

What do I do if I am absent through illness?

A parent must phone the school on the first day of absence and give a reason.  The school office will send a note to your tutor.  On return you must bring a signed note to explain any absence from the school.  All absence notes must be shown to your subject teachers and your tutor It is your responsibility, and in your interest to do this so an unauthorised absence in not shown against you. The notes must be handed in to the Sixth form office.

What do I do if I need to take time off school?

Try to avoid this. You must arrange medical, dental appointments and driving lessons in the holiday time or during times when you have no taught lessons.  For emergency appointments, university open days and interviews or major family events on a particular day you need to give at least 48 hours' notice before the day in question. Usually the absence will be agreed in principle and you then need to ask parent(s) and all teachers whose lessons or tutorials are affected by the absence to sign the request to be absent form.  

If your parents wish to request any longer leave of absence, a letter should be written at least a week in advance to the Headteacher.

What do I do if I feel ill during the day?

Consult Mrs Wilmott in the medical room if necessary. You must not absent yourself from any lesson without prior permission.

What do I do if I am late for a lesson?

If you arrive at a lesson after the teacher has registered the class or begun the lesson you may well be sent away to work quietly and asked to report back at the end of the lesson.  The issue will be reported to your tutor or one of the Sixth Form team.



This is money the government gives to schools and colleges to support certain students. Its purpose is to provide financial support to help students overcome specific barriers to participation, so they can remain in education.

There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

  • A vulnerable bursary of up to £1,200 a year for young people in one of the defined vulnerable groups.
  • A discretionary bursary that the school awards to meet individual needs, for example transport, meals, books and equipment.

If students meet the criteria for the discretionary bursary they will receive a small four-weekly amount to help with costs of transport, meals, books and equipment.

They will also be able to apply extra bursary payments throughout the year for help with:

  • Travel for visiting universities or interviews
  • Summer schools
  • Curriculum-related trip
  • Revision guides
  • Extra materials for practical projects
  • Printing costs for portfolios
  • Retake exams
  • Travel costs for economics trips
  • Travel costs for subject related events
  • Subject-specific equipment

Initial application forms will be available at the start of the new school year in September. More information will be given to parents and students via assemblies, email and the Parent Information Evening.

Please be aware that students will need to provide details of a bank account in their name.

Bursary Fund Application Form

Bursary Fund Policy



