Personal Development
At CCF we advocate a holistic approach to education and believe that personal development plays an integral part in ensuring our pupils develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to succeed, both now and in the future. Our personal development curriculum includes: relationships, sex and health education (RSE); citizenship and British values; personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE); careers; and wider enrichment opportunities.
Throughout their time at CCF, pupils undertake a carefully planned and sequenced personal development journey to ensure they are able to live confident, healthy, independent lives as individuals, and as members of society. The personal development curriculum equips pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. The curriculum is designed to provide opportunities for pupils to enquire into human questions, to reflect on their own beliefs, values and understanding in the light of their study and to develop their problem solving and critical thinking skills. Effective personal development is a key component in our approach to safeguarding our pupils through the curriculum. It creates a place in the curriculum where difficult questions can be tackled within a safe but challenging context. It provides opportunities for pupils to learn about, understand and discuss world-wide topics such as relationships, drugs and alcohol, peer influences, gangs, extremism, and radicalisation.
The personal development curriculum is delivered through tutorial sessions and MyZone lessons; a comprehensive assembly programme; our comprehensive careers programme; and through our extensive extracurricular opportunities including trips, visits, talks from speakers and the wide range of activities and clubs available to our pupils.
We also encourage pupils to contribute to the school community and to society. There are pupil leadership opportunities available including Year 11 prefects and Sixth Form Leaders. Pupils from each tutor group also form the school council, and the CCF climate council develops projects aimed at reducing the school's carbon footprint and increasing sustainability.